furyctl create pki
Creates the Public Key Infrastructure files needed for an on-premises cluster.
Creates the Public Key Infrastructure files needed (CA, certificates, keys, etc.) by a Kubernetes cluster and its etcd database. You can limit the creation of the PKI to just etcd or just Kubernetes using the flags, if not specified the command will create the PKI for both of them.
furyctl create pki [flags]
-c, --controlplane create PKI only for the Kubernetes control plane components
-e, --etcd create PKI only for etcd
-h, --help help for pki
-p, --path string path where to save the created PKI files. One subfolder will be created for the control plane files and another one for the etcd files. (default "pki")
Options inherited from parent commands
-D, --debug Enables furyctl debug output. This will greatly increase the verbosity. Notice that you can always access the debug output in the log file.
-d, --disable-analytics Disable analytics
-g, --git-protocol string Download repositories using the given protocol (options: https, ssh). Use when SSH traffic is being blocked or when SSH client has not been configured
set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable with your token to use authentication while downloading, for example for private repositories (default "https")
-H, --https DEPRECATED: by default furyctl uses https protocol to download repositories (default true)
-l, --log string Path to the log file or set to 'stdout' to log to standard output. Default is '<outdir>/.furyctl/furyctl.<timestamp>-<random number>.log'
-T, --no-tty Disable TTY making furyctl's output more friendly to non-interactive shells by disabling animations and colors
-o, --outdir string Path where to create the data directory (.furyctl). Default is the user's home.
-w, --workdir string Switch to a different working directory before executing the given subcommand
- furyctl create - Create a cluster or a sample configuration file