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Installing from binaries

You can find furyctl binaries on the Releases page in GitHub.

To download the latest release, run:

curl -L "$(uname -s)-amd64.tar.gz" -o /tmp/furyctl.tar.gz && tar xfz /tmp/furyctl.tar.gz -C /tmp
chmod +x /tmp/furyctl
sudo mv /tmp/furyctl /usr/local/bin/furyctl

Alternatively, you can install furyctl using the asdf plugin.

Installing with asdf

Add furyctl asdf plugin:

asdf plugin add furyctl

Check that everything is working correctly with furyctl version:

$ furyctl version
goVersion: go1.22
osArch: amd64
version: 0.29.7

Installing from source


  • make >= 4.1
  • go >= 1.22

Once you've ensured the above dependencies are installed, you can proceed with the installation.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    # cd into the cloned repository
    cd furyctl
  2. Build the binaries by running the following command:

    go build .
  3. You will find the binaries for your current architecture inside the current folder:

    $ ls furyctl
  4. Check that the binary is working as expected:

    $ ./furyctl version
    buildTime: unknown
    gitCommit: unknown
    goVersion: unknown
    osArch: unknown
    version: unknown
  5. (optional) move the binary to your bin folder, in macOS:

    sudo mv ./furyctl /usr/local/bin/furyctl

Support & Compatibility 🪢

Check the compatibility matrix for additional information about furyctl and KFD compatibility.