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Version: 1.22.X

Kubernetes Fury Distribution Release v1.22.0

Welcome to the KFD release v1.22.0. From this release on, Fury follows a different versioning schema. KFD version now will closely follow the version of the latest Kubernetes release that is supported by Fury. This release supports kubernetes runtime v1.22.x.

This distribution is maintained with ❤️ by the team SIGHUP, and is battle tested in production environments.

This new release of KFD features a bundle of all the core modules supported by Fury with enhancements and bug fixes.

New Features

Core Module Updates

Please refer the individual release notes for detailed information

Upgrade path

From this version, we are introducing the new versioning system, see the versioning documentation file to know more about the new versioning scheme of the distribution and the upgrade path.

Katalog Procedure

To upgrade the distribution from v1.21.x to v1.22.0, you need to download this new version, vendor the dependencies, finally applying the kustomize project.

furyctl vendor -H
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

NOTE: The upgrade takes some minutes (depends on the cluster size), and you should expect some downtime during the upgrade process.