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Version: 1.21.X

KFD Release v1.21 🎉

Kubernetes Fury Distribution has its 1.21 minor release made with quite a few changes and enhancements. The versioning system of Fury got a major revamp on this release of Fury. Fury now closely follows the Kubernetes release versions offer clarity and clear-cut release roadmaps.


Supported Modules

Here is a quick look at the latest module versions supported by KFD release v1.21.

Core Modules

Core modules provide essential functionality to the distribution.

ModuleLatest ReleaseDescription
NetworkingVersionNetworking functionality via Calico CNI
IngressVersionFast and reliable Ingress Controller and TLS certificate management
LoggingVersionA centralized logging solution based on the EFK stack (Elastic, Fluentd and Kibana)
MonitoringVersionMonitoring and alerting functionality based on Prometheus, AlertManager and Grafana
Disaster RecoveryVersionBackup and disaster recovery solution using Velero
OPAVersionPolicy and Governance for your cluster using OPA Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Policy Manager

Addon Modules

Addon modules provide additional functionality to the distribution.

ModuleLatest ReleaseDescription
KongVersionAdd Kong API Gateway for Kubernetes applications via Kong Ingress Controller
Service MeshVersionDeploy a service mesh on top of KFD
RegistryVersionIntegrate a Container Registry solution