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Version: 1.28.0

OpenSearch Single

OpenSearch is an open-source distributed search and analytics engine used for log analytics. This package deploys a single node OpenSearch cluster on Kubernetes.

⚠ī¸ Please note that the OpenSearch Single variant is not intended for production use. Please use opensearch-triple, the high-availability version, for production.


Prometheus Operator is necessary since we configure a ServiceMonitor to make some metrics available from OpenSearch on prometheus

Image repository and tag​


Fury distribution OpenSearch Single is deployed with the following configuration:

  • Single node
  • Listens on port 9200 for client connections
  • Resource limits are 2000m for CPU and 4G for memory
  • Requires 30Gi storage
  • Prometheus exporter to expose OpenSearch metrics
  • Metrics are scraped by Prometheus every 30s


You can deploy OpenSearch Single by running the following command in the root of the project:

kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -


Since we are configuring a ServiceMonitor in this package, the following Prometheus alerts are already defined:

OpenSearchClusterRedThis alert fires when the health of the opensearch cluster is REDcritical30m
OpenSearchYellowThis alert fires when the health of the opensearch cluster is YELLOWwarning30m
OpenSearchOfRelocationShardsThis alert fires when there are relocating shards for 30 minuteswarning30m
OpenSearchOfInitializingShardsThis alert fires when there are initializing shards for 30 minuteswarning30m
OpenSearchOfUnassignedShardsThis alert fires when there are unassigned shards for 30 minuteswarning30m
OpenSearchOfPendingTasksThis alert fires when there pending task for 30 minuteswarning30m

ℹī¸ when using the OpenSearch single variant, the cluster will be in YELLOW state because of the single replica.