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Version: 1.25.9


Gangway is an application that can be used to easily enable authentication flows via OIDC for a Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes supports OpenID Connect Tokens as a way to identify users who access the cluster. Gangway allows users to self-configure their kubectl configuration in a few short steps.

ℹī¸ Learn more about Gangway in the official repository and in the official documentation.


  • Kubernetes >= 1.18.0
  • Kustomize = v3.5.3

Image repository and tag​


Gangway is configured using a gangway.yml file. You can find a sample configuration file here.

Notice that to enable Gangway to communicate with Dex you need to add the required configuration under staticClients section.

Once you have written your configuration file, create a Kubernetes secret named gangway in the kube-system namespace with the contents of the configuration file under the gangway.yml key.

ℹī¸ We recommend you do this using Kustomize, either with a secretGenerator or as a resource.

The gangway secret will then be mounted by the deployment as a volume in the right path.


Once you have created the configuration file, you can deploy Gangway by running the following command in the folder of this package:

kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -


For license details please see LICENSE