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Version: 1.27.4

AKS Installer

Fury AKS Installer deploys a production-grade Kubernetes Fury cluster on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).


The installer is composed of four terraform modules:

VNetDeploy the necessary networking infrastructure
VPNDeploy the a VPN Server to connect to private clusters
AKSDeploy the AKS cluster
StateDeploy the Backend for Terraform State

Click on each module to see its full documentation.


Fury AKS Installer deploys and configures a production-ready AKS cluster without having to learn all internals of the service.

Fury Architecture

The AKS module deploys a private control plane cluster, where the control plane endpoint is not publicly accessible.

The VNet module setups all the necessary networking infrastructure.

The VPN module setups one or more bastion hosts with an OpenVPN server.

The bastion host includes an OpenVPN instance easily manageable by using furyagent to provide access to the cluster.

🕵🏻‍♂️ Furyagent is a tool developed by SIGHUP to manage OpenVPN and SSH user access to the bastion host.



  • Azure CLI >= 2.48.1
  • Azure account with enough permission to create an AKS Cluster.
  • terraform = >=1.3.0
  • ssh or OpenVPN Client - Tunnelblick (on macOS) or OpenVPN Connect (for other OS) are recommended.

Create AKS Cluster

To create the cluster via the installers:

  1. (optional) Use the State module to deploy the storage account and container to store terraform state

  2. Use the VNet module to deploy the networking infrastructure

  3. (optional) Use the VPN module to deploy the openvpn bastion host

  4. (optional) Configure access to the OpenVPN instance of the bastion host via furyagent

  5. (optional) Connect to the OpenVPN instance

  6. Use the AKS module to deploy the AKS cluster

Please refer to each module documentation and the examples folder for more details.