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Version: 1.26.5


Calico is open-source networking and network security solution for containers, virtual machines, and native host-based workloads. Calico supports a broad range of platforms including Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker EE, OpenStack, and bare metal services.

For more information about Calico refer to calico documentation

The deployment of Calico consists of a daemon set running on every node (including the control-plane) and a controller that implements:

  • policy controller watches network policies and programs Calico policies.
  • namespace controller watches namespaces and programs Calico profiles.
  • serviceaccount controller watches service accounts and programs Calico profiles.
  • workloadendpoint controller watches for changes to pod labels and updates Calico workload endpoints.
  • node controller watches for the removal of Kubernetes nodes and removes corresponding data from Calico.

⚠️ please notice that the Calico packages is for cluster with less the 50 nodes. If your cluster has more than 50 nodes, you'll need to switch to Calico + Typha.

Image repository and tag


  • Tested with Kubernetes >= 1.25.X.
  • Tested with Kustomize >= v3.3.X.
  • Prometheus Operator, optional if you want to have metrics.


The calico package is deployed with the following configuration:

  • Default overlay pod CIDR: detected automatically for kubeadm based clusters.
  • BGP (bird) mode configured instead of vxlan.
  • kubernetes datastore.
  • Enable support for traffic shaping.
  • ServiceMonitor (Prometheus Operator) configured to scrape metrics every 15 seconds.


You can deploy calico by running the following command in the root of this project:

kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -