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Version: 1.26.4

Alertmanager Operated

Alertmanager handles alerts sent by Prometheus server and routes them to configured receiver integrations such as email, Slack, PageDuty, or OpsGenie. It helps you to manage alerts flexibly with its grouping, inhibition and silencing features.

Fury Prometheus deployment (see prometheus-operated) is already configured to automatically discover Alertmanager instances deployed with this package.

Image repository and tag



Fury distribution Alertmanager is deployed with the following configuration:

  • Replica number: 3
  • Listens on port 9093
  • Alertmanager metrics are scraped by Prometheus every 30s


Before deploying this, please take a look at how to configure the alertmanager the right way.

You can deploy Alertmanager by running the following command:

kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -

Accessing Alertmanager UI

You can access to Alertmanager dashboard by port-forwarding on port 9093:

kubectl port-forward svc/alertmanager-main 9093:9093 --namespace monitoring

Now you can go to on your browser to see and manage your alerts.

To learn how to add external URL to access Alertmanager please see the example.
