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Version: 1.28.6


Software Requirements

To install a Kubernetes Fury Distribution cluster, you first need to install furyctl, the command line companion to manage the full lifecycle of your Kubernetes Fury clusters.

furyctl automates the usage of the components (installers and modules) of the Kubernetes Fury Distribution to make the creation of Kubernetes Fury clusters easier, straightforward and repeatable.

All the options for creating the cluster are defined in a single configuration file.

KFD is a modular and composable system, so hardware requirements ultimately depend on the modules and configuration chosen. Having said that, for a production-grade cluster a good starting point would be:

A KFD production grade cluster will be composed of 3 node pools:

  • Control Plane: 3 nodes in HA.
  • Infrastructure: 3 nodes dedicated to running the infrastructural components of KFD (monitoring, logging, policy enforcement, etc., i.e. the modules).
  • Workers: where the application workload will run. This is up to you.
  • Load Balancers (optional): for on-premises installations, 2 load balancers in HA can be deployed to forward traffic to the control plane and the ingress controllers running in the infrastructure nodes.

Nodes minimum sizing

Node RoleApplicable ProvidersCPU (cores)RAM (GB)Disk (GB)Qty.
Control PlaneOnPremises28503
InfrastructureOnPremises, EKSCluster, KFDDistribution416503
Load BalancerOnPremises (optional)22502


Some modules rely on persistent storage via PersistentVolumeClaims, by default (but configurable) the following capacity will be used:

DescriptionSize (GB)
Prometheus (metrics storage)150
MinIO Monitoring (metrics storage, 20GBx6)120
MinIO Logging (logs storage, 20GBx6)120
OpenSearch (logs storage)30
MinIO Tracing (traces storage)120